
As part of our sustainability plan, CTS undertook a carbon footprint assessment and an energy audit in 2022. 

As a result of this Carbon Footprint report, CTS aligned with 3 Sustainable Development Goals we wanted to focus on in order to reduce our Carbon Footprint. These SDG’s can be seen below.

Through strategic planning and implementation, CTS have aligned with these SDG’s in various ways which has seen a reduction in our Carbon Footprint. For information on how we aligned on with these SDG’s and practices implemented please download our Sustainability plan.  

1. Responsible Consumption and Production 

Goal – Implement sustainable consumption and production. 

2. Affordable and Clean Energy 

Goal – Provide and ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. 

3. Decent Work and Economic Growth 

Goal – Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all. 

Our Solar Panels

As parts of CTS’s commitment to Sustainability and Green practices, we recently installed a 29Kw Solar Panel unit on the roof our premises.

CTS has seen our carbon footprint reduce by over 25% as result of the installation of these solar panels. As well as generating energy to be used by our offices and machines when manufacturing our products, these solar panels are also providing energy generated outside of working hours back into the electrical grid, reducing the strain on electrical providers and providing more energy for our local community. This will help our community as these solar panels are providing additional power to the grid at peak hours, for example after 5pm Monday – Thursday, after 1pm Fridays, all weekend and on bank holidays and for the two weeks of our summer shutdown. 

Introduction of Lean Management 

CTS have put a particular focus on Lean management, implementing processes on a structured basis throughout the business.

The aim of lean management is to reduce waste in all areas of the business. CTS identified waste in several areas of the business (such as the 7S’s - Overproduction, Waiting, Transport, Movements, Process, Stocks & Flaws) and overcame these issues. Lean is now ingrained in the business on all levels and all non-value adding activities are identified and eliminated on an ongoing basis. As a result of integrating lean management in the business, CTS has seen a massive reduction in waste throughout the business.