
ISO 9001 

CTS are delighted to have achieved ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System certification. 

The certification is awarded because we can demonstrate that everything we do in relation to quality is done in a systematic manner and that we are constantly measuring, analysing and reviewing both areas to identify potential problems with a view to continually improving our performance. 

As part of the implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system we have implemented a complete set of procedures that apply to all processes at CTS, and we have also generated a list of forms to accompany these.

Through the effective implementation of the CTS Quality management System (ISO9001:2015) we can ensure that we are supplying top quality products and services to our customers on an ongoing basis. CTS provides excellent problem solving solutions and high-quality services from design to delivery, while building and maintaining trusting relationships with out valued clients.